ISP Technologies Decimator X G String Noise Reduction Pedal


  • High-quality noise reduction with advanced routing that perfectly accommodates high-gain gear
  • Updates the patented sound of previous patented ISP noise reduction with greater adaptive features
  • Tracks the signal directly from your guitar, allowing clean to high-gain changes without adjusting the threshold
  • Cuts background noise, including 60-cycle hum, while preserving natural tone
  • Decimator X technology responds well to both rapid staccatos and slow decaying notes
  • Total elimination of modulation artifacts often common to yesteryear’s noise reduction tools
  • Versatile routing with effects loop send/return and link jacks for syncing Decimator pedals to dual-channel or stereo rigs
  • Sturdy polished chrome enclosure — reliable for gigging musicians and pedal users with a lead foot!
  • Rivals the tracking performance of ISP’s much-admired ProRack G system

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  • Inspected
  • Warranty 30 Days
  • Condition: Like New